Seidl Studios "The Source, Image"
Commercial Space Exploration
Poster and Print Competition

Paralleling the the Competition for First Commercial Moon Mission
The Era of Commercial Space Exploration
An Opportunity to Make a Statement
Create Culture, Create History

The rules are simple:

No entry fee

Open international, where legal

Open to all ages, parental consent has to be provided under legal age

Open to visual arts

All entries will be received and judged on the internet.

Competitors will have a bio and artwork representing themselves on the
Seidl Studios site during the competition. This provides introduction and
free publicity from Seidl Studios

The winner of the competition will receive 15% from sales for the lifetime of sales

The winner will have their work promoted to and sold to an open International
commercial market to include, Art Centers, Historical museums, associations
and organizations Seidl Studios will retain resale rights for the piece.

Prints will be a limited edition of 2500, numbered, signed and dated

Posters will be sold as an unlimted quantity

Present cutoff date

Contact Frank Seidl